ETHICAL VALUESHealth & Safety, Environment and Quality are our core values. Rockwater's values are at the center of the decisions made within the company.

Health and Safety

Rockwater is committed to providing safe working conditions for its staff, clients and co-workers.

We aim to provide our employees with the information and tools needed to conduct work in a safe and effective manner.

Our safety system includes maintaining Policies, Management Plans and a Hazard Control Register covering our main areas of operation; conducting Risk Assessments during the planning of projects; completing Job Hazard Analyses, incident reports, daily pre-start and weekly toolbox meetings during project execution; and performing Audits and Reviews when projects are completed.

We have over 25 Safe Operating Procedures covering all aspects of our work, including remote filed work, geophysical surveys, hydrogeological supervision of drilling and test-pumping, subterranean fauna and water sampling, and manual handling.

Rockwater has never recorded a Lost Time Work Injury or been involved in a significant workplace accident, and we aim to keep it that way.


GJ/year produced thanks to our Geothermal projects


Rockwater is committed to preserving the environment.  As hydrogeologists and environmental scientists, we value the natural environment and appreciate that our work takes us to some of the most beautiful and unspoilt parts of Australia.

Rockwater is also committed to reducing carbon emissions, which has been achieved by:

  • The installation of 80 solar panels at our Jersey St office, offsetting 24.3 tonnes of CO2 each year.
  • Offsetting a further 54 tonnes of CO2 by planting trees in the Yarra Yarra biodiversity corridor, achieved through investment in the Gold Standard credits scheme.
  • Participating in the development, implementation and monitoring of geothermally-heated pool projects, resulting in 20,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions being offset every year.


Rockwater is committed to providing a high standard of service – proven by over 40 years’ of successful operation. 

Our Quality Management system is designed to ensure:

  • Project requirements are met in an efficient, cost-effective, timely and safe manner.
  • Client expectations are met or exceeded.
  • Industry standards are met or exceeded.

Staff are encouraged to participate in, and take ownership of, all components of the project workflow  from preparation of the initial proposal, to completion of the final report.  Quality control and mentoring are provided by our senior staff, most of which have been at Rockwater for 15 years or more.

What about the details?

We like to talk about our commitments in our News

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