Rockwater is celebrating a 40 year partnership with Busselton Water. Last week our Senior Hydrogeologist Martin Pujol presented the results of a nine-month groundwater modelling project aimed at maintained the current high quality water supply and service in Dunsborough and Busselton over the next 30 years.

A state-of-the-art FEFLOW model (by DHI) was used to assess the long-term impact of climate change and future abstraction on the 800 m deep water supply bores operated by Busselton Water.

The model incorporates density driven flow and was calibrated against both heads and salinity data from 1980 to present. The model was based on a robust geological model built in Leapfrog (by Seequent) which incorporated recent reprocessed seismic datasets in the Bunbury Trough.

This news was also posted on our LinkedIn page.